Alam remaja ni tempoh peralihan kanak-kanak kepada dewasa. Secara amnya, fizikal macam dewasa, tapi pemikiran masih memerlukan bimbingan.Oleh itu, menjadi tanggungjawab bersama agar saling memperingatkan.
Maka, di suasana remang-remang senja semalam, sebilangan 6-7 orang jamaah surau menziarahi satu rumah sewa mahasiswa untuk memberi nasihat mengenai pergaulan lelaki perempuan yang bukan mahram, khususnya bagi warga muslim di Taman Tasik Bangi3.
Diharapkan tidak perlulah sebarang tindakan melibatkan jabatan agama atau sebagainya, cukuplah sekadar saling memahami tuntutan agama, dan adat budaya hidup bermasyarakat. Kita yang perlu menyesuaikan diri dengan sensitiviti masyarakat, bukan masyarakat pula yang perlu menuruti kehendak kita.
ReplyDeletePesanan tegas kepada remaja-remaja di atas dan juga remaja-remaja lain yang'have been monitored...please behave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..otherwise we know how to handle it, with the help of AL-Mighty ALLAH s.w.t..
Concerned Neighbour
p/s: Afraid Allah more than us, because his punishment are more severe then us....please watch out.....
All the youth that stayed at TTB3 are part of the communities, that we love you all so much.They will be the future leader that will replace us in future. We must handle this issue with love and respect. I suggest the Surau's commitiee to have a special programme for them so that we could promote interaction and knowing them . This will provide us oppertunity to advise them what are we concern off. Dont create a situation that they been watched, let them feel happy and free to stay with us. I know this because I was young before !
ReplyDeletesebaiknya semua muslim melibatkan diri dalam usaha dan program kariah. tak perlu tunggu sesiapa datang jemput dan ajak dengan penuh hormat. cukup la azan sebagai sebaik-baik seruan agar sama-sama hadir solat berjamaah bersama. tiada ajakan lebih mulia selain dari laungan azan.
ReplyDeleteThank for the anonymus no 2 for his/her comment, I hope the Surau Commitee take not on this. By the way, as a mukmin, the feeling as being watched especially by the Al-Migthy is a part of iman.
Agree with the comment from the last a part of a community, we our selve should take the active role in tackling this issue rather than questioning others...I think the surau commitee have done their best, did few meetings with some of this teenager and advise them in full "hikmah". And...I got an ifo that they have also circulated a memo to all the tenageers, explaining on "code of etique" that we expected from them.
Yes, I agree with the soft approach, but certainly there is a treshold.
Concerned Neighbour (who was also young before)